
Everything in one platform

DSP with bidding automation

Real-time data tools for statistics

High performing ad formats

adxnow features

Everything in one platform

Media library

Media library

Store all your ad variations in the Media Library for instant access to test or run full campaigns.

Optimization algorithms

Optimization algorithms

Send different traffic volumes to your variations and landing pages using our distribution algorithms and maximize the reach of your best performing marketing materials. 

Precision targeting

Precision targeting

We offer 15 different levels of targeting criteria to fine tune your customer reach for highly targeted conversions.

Bidding automation

Smart Bid

Smart Bid

Uses machine learning to optimize your bids by analysing campaign data to reach your desired target ROAS or CPA.

The Bidder

The Bidder

Automatically adjusts your bids by ad zone to create white lists, with additional rules to fine tune your campaign for several dimensions.

Real-time data tools

Conversion tracking

Conversion tracking

Integrated Conversion Tracking tool to monitor multiple post backs based on your conversion goals. We also support the integration of third-party conversion tracking tools.



Real-time data and analytics reports via customisable dashboards and saveable filter sets to monitor every stage of your campaigns, +50 metrics, 25 filters and 25 dimensions.

Get started in 3 easy steps

Create an account

Create an account

Set up your campaigns

Set up your campaigns

Using our easy UI

Start converting

Start converting

With our suite of tools